Monday, May 19, 2008


When the tears devour you
all happy moments you had go down the drain

When you're floating 1 foot above the ground,
glowing with joy
sad memories and anticipations suddenly become obsolete

When love is all around and so intense
that it infiltrates you
all the hate and pain in the world is out of reach

And when pain does hit and shatter you to pieces,
the joy you had just yesterday vanishes into thin air

Presence of a feeling does eliminate its opposite in you in a funny way.
does it all come down to 0's and 1's to you?
Real life is analogue with various glitches and spikes,
where all opposites ironically combine,
get real to live!


  1. Ur post amazed me. well the man kind is full with contradictions & may be this is the beauty of it. the ability to cope with various conditions is a gift from God. u may hate some one & for one reason u turn into a great lover. u may cry for some thing & in one second u turn into great laugher that looks to a brighter future. Our mission to live in peace & eliminate the sparks & glitches.

  2. the signal is a train of pulses at my side. a unit stip function, and another one, and then anotehr one..

  3. Well, Its all about how u look at things. if u look at the train of pulses u may not notice the differences but if u look at it as a sequence of unit step functions this may give u the advantage of notice the details. anyway describing life as train of pulses is expressive some how. we all may suffer from ups & downs but lets look at them as unit step functions......

    God Bless

  4. Dear Void;
    { if "so here is where the crown came heaver" = true ;
    leave a message at mahjoob wall ":p" ;

    gurl!u r so computerized :d
